Having your company online is nearly a must have to be successful. Depending on the industry you are in, the level of necessity will vary. Industries like cafes, bars and tourism rely heavily on their digital marketing on the Gold Coast. Whether people want to admit or not, digital marketing plays a heavy role on what they do, say, and believe in their daily lives. The reason people are being heavily impacted by digital marketing on the Gold Coast is due to the visibility and exposure it has on a person’s life. Here we will discuss the importance of digital marketing in the modern era.
Targeting via Screen Time
Digital Marketing is rapidly growing in
popularity, mostly due to the sheer usage of technology in daily life. Almost
every person has a smartphone with Google, Facebook, Instagram etc. Each person
is different; however, the majority of people will spend 3-6 hours on their
phones and laptops each day. This is a lot of time, and in this time, there
will be an abundance of screen time spent on social media and the internet.
Digital marketing takes this screen time and showcases your business via social
media outlets.
Small Business vs Large Business
Digital Marketing on the Gold Coast gives
your small business a fighting chance to compete and shine against larger
companies. By appearing higher on searches, or being more prevalent on social
media platforms, your company can be the first business that they find. This is
a massive advantage, and a way to rapidly build your business!
Specific Ads for Specific Customers
Digital Marketing is most effective with
strong data. If you want to specifically target a group of people, you can do
this. Digital Marketing will use public information to segment your target
market, giving your digital marketing on the Gold Coast the best chance of
being effective.
Find What Works Best!
The best part about digital marketing on
the Gold Coast is that it is extremely easy to chop and change. You can review
data, personalise ads and see what gives you the best results. Essentially, you
can trial and error your digital marketing until you find what is best. The
data and analytics are your best friend, so use it to your advantage!
Scalable ROI
You can start with small amounts of
investment, such as $20. Only needing such a small amount to get started is a
massive advantage in comparison to traditional marketing such as
signage/billboards. You can slowly scale your investment and find the best
return on investment in your digital marketing journey.
Digital Assurance
Give your customers assurance! People look
to social media for reviews and a strong online presence! Use this behaviour to
your advantage and have a strong presence on Instagram, Facebook, and Google.
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