When internet marketing, it’s important your site and all your content is designed to attract your potential market or customers. SEO on Gold Coast is all about giving your potential as well as existing customers what they want in terms of value and entertainment for the time they spend on your site. Your branding is your most important asset; it allows your customers and those looking for the products and services you provide to instantly recognize your company and the quality you provide.
Before your website goes live you need to
very carefully check your SEO checklist to ensure all your content is properly
optimized. SEO is really largely a matter of common sense and following the SEO
guidelines. Some of the most important things that are required to be SEO
compliant on The gold Coast:
As you will have heard many times content
is king, this is not just a fanciful thought, but a reality. Your content is
the most important part of your web presence, in terms of usefulness to your
audience and those you wish to attract. It must be:
1. Original
This is important because
web crawlers search the content of sites and do not like duplication. Often
when they find duplicate content they assess this as spam or copied so are
likely to award it a lower rating
2. Accuracy
It’s important that when
making statements that you can substantiate them as this gives you credibility.
Making statements that are inaccurate or are misleading will likely cause your
site to be penalized by a low ranking or even completely dropped from search
3. Relevancy
It’s important the content
of your site is highly relevant to your keywords, titles and the theme of your
branding. Unnecessary clutter, just makes it harder for visitors to find what
they are looking for and to have their problems solved so they are likely to look
4. Value
Your visitors demand value
for the time they spend on your site and if they do not instantly discover
value they are very likely to leave. It only takes a fraction of a second for
visitors to decide whether they like or dislike your site so that’s how much
time you have to show you offer them value for their time. It’s vital you use
this time well, so talk with your SEO Company on The Gold Coast to make sure
you’re giving instant value to all your visitors
Speed and Ease
Page loading times and site navigation ease
are vital components of SEO on The Gold Coast, for every second delay in your
loading speed you are losing potential customers
Site Navigation
Having a clean, clear and easy to navigate
website and content pages means your visitors can quickly find what they are
looking for and also find interesting and valuable relevant content encouraging
them to remain longer on your site. The longer they stay on your site the more
likely they are to trust you and become a paying customer. This also suggests
to the search engines that your site is important and valuable, so they’re more
likely to award you a better ranking
A vital aspect of any internet business on
The Gold Coast is being SEO compliant as it allows you to gain a higher search
ranking and more exposure to potential customers.
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