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The coolest company in the galaxy | Straight Up Digital

Straight Up Digital is the coolest company in the galaxy for five very simple reasons but also because we deliver what we promise.

In the digital world of the internet, there is a lot of ‘behind the scenes’ work that can’t readily be seen or even calculated. Because of this a lot of misinformation and fraudulent claims are made for work that wasn’t done or if it was done, was rushed and inadequate. How do you really know what your agency has done for you unless they offer proof in the results you achieve directly because of what they have done for you?

At Straight Up Digital we are the coolest company in the galaxy by being open and honest about the things we can do for you and your internet presence and the things that we can’t do or we think are not in your best interests get called out early. We aren’t simply in it for the money.

The five simple reasons we are the coolest company in the galaxy are below:

1. Straight Up

The Cambridge dictionary online defines ‘straight up’ an approach that’s ‘used to show that you are telling the truth’. At Straight Up Digital, we tell you what you need to know not what you want to hear, unlike a lot of companies out there.

Internet marketing seems simple when you know how but it’s not always easy; you need to give your visitors and customers what they want. You need to provide a fast service and a very high amount of value for the time they spend on your site. They don’t want waffle and they don’t want to waste time or the hassle of looking at things they didn’t ask for. Behaviour like this does not make you the coolest company in the galaxy.

We will look at your website and overall web presence and tell you straight what’s right and what’s wrong with it. Then we will offer you the best, most cost-effective method of fixing improving on it. It may be a few simple things, a bit of a makeover or it could involve starting from scratch and creating a whole new winning web presence for you and your branding

2. Transparent defines ‘transparent’ as ‘open, frank and candid’ and indeed at Straight Up Digital, everything we do for you will be open and explained in enough detail, so you totally understand just what we’re doing and why.

This includes our costing and charges. We do not demand large upfront fees. At Straight Up Digital we work within your budget so as you grow, we can assist you accordingly. As we help you and your marketing success you will see the benefits of a long successful working relationship with us.

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