Successful internet marketing is all about reaching your audience or intended targets. The best way to achieve this is to provide frequent, relevant, high value and interesting information that’s SEO compliant on The Gold Coast to attract visitors and potential customers. Making your site fully search engine optimized includes a number of related actions that can best be achieved by high quality regular blogging.
These are some of the main reasons why
blogs on your site can give a boom to your SEO efforts:
Allows your website to be current and fresh
Search engines like to provide the latest
up to date information to their users. They are constantly finding new content
on all types of subject matter and rank the latest and most accurate and
appropriate content that relates to given search (keyword, long-tail keyword or
set or of keywords) high on their indexes. When you regularly update your site
and information, add blogs and interesting content, it causes the search engine
algorithms to crawl your site more often which gives you more exposure to them
and your targeted audience.
Blogs keep visitors on your site for longer
Having original, highly relevant, high
value blogs on your site it encourages visitors to stay longer. When visitors
find interesting, relevant, information they stay on site to read it. This search
engines notice and use as an indication of the site’s value and authority on a
given subject.
Blogs help your site to show up on long-tail keyword searches
Once placing highly relevant keywords
attracted attention, but no longer. You are now competing with the other 10,000
plus people using the same words as their keyword. Even if you have a long-tail
keyword phrase (most effective keyword phrases are more than four words long),
you will still be competing with many other websites, so you need to come up
with a keyword phrase that is particular to your own business.
The longer the keyword phrase is, the
harder it’s to place in your websites product pages, so they flow properly and
naturally. This is where blogs are invaluable, because you can build your blog
around your main, or a series of highly relevant keyword phrases (without
stuffing), this will help your sites ranking
A huge part of SEO on Gold Coast is about links, high quality internal and back-links. Linking your websites and
different pages on your individual websites and blogs is very important, but
many people forget to do this simple thing. Your blogs and parts of your blogs
can be linked together with highly relevant parts of your website. As your
number of blogs grows your possibility of increasing your quality links
increases exponentially.
Your blog should have links to other
highly relevant websites around your industry as this will help to encourage
two-way traffic from other quality sites, which will greatly benefit your SEO
ranking on The Gold Coast.
your blogs are filled with genuinely, original, valuable and interesting
information, you’ll find many websites linking directly to your site so there
visitors will gain the benefit. This sounds like being counterproductive, but,
in fact, it’s a win, win situation for everyone and you get the benefit of many
quality links as search engines notice this SEO
strategy on The Gold Coast
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