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Showing posts from September, 2020

How does having blogs on your site give a boom to your SEO efforts?

 Successful internet marketing is all about reaching your audience or intended targets. The best way to achieve this is to provide frequent, relevant, high value and interesting information that’s SEO compliant on The Gold Coast to attract visitors and potential customers. Making your site fully search engine optimized includes a number of related actions that can best be achieved by high quality regular blogging. These are some of the main reasons why blogs on your site can give a boom to your SEO efforts: ·         Allows your website to be current and fresh Search engines like to provide the latest up to date information to their users. They are constantly finding new content on all types of subject matter and rank the latest and most accurate and appropriate content that relates to given search (keyword, long-tail keyword or set or of keywords) high on their indexes. When you regularly update your site and information, add blogs and inte...

The coolest company in the galaxy | Straight Up Digital

Straight Up Digital is the coolest company in the galaxy for five very simple reasons but also because we deliver what we promise. In the digital world of the internet, there is a lot of ‘behind the scenes’ work that can’t readily be seen or even calculated. Because of this a lot of misinformation and fraudulent claims are made for work that wasn’t done or if it was done, was rushed and inadequate. How do you really know what your agency has done for you unless they offer proof in the results you achieve directly because of what they have done for you? At Straight Up Digital we are the coolest company in the galaxy by being open and honest about the things we can do for you and your internet presence and the things that we can’t do or we think are not in your best interests get called out early. We aren’t simply in it for the money. The five simple reasons we are the coolest company in the galaxy are below: 1.  Straight Up The  Cambridge dictionary online  defines ‘straig...