There is no set time to how often Google crawls and indexes sites, it can take as little as a few days or as long as six months. Google said that there is no guarantee that your site will be crawled or when. But what they do say is that the more compliant you are with Google’s Webmasters Guidelines the more likely you are to be crawled and indexed. As the guys at SEO on Gold Coast will tell you, being SEO compliant is vital to getting a good ranking, there are many factors that determine how long it takes for Google search engine to crawl your site.
Google rolls out new changes to its algorithm every few months. These changes are designed to give Google users and particularly searchers a better and more improved experience by improving the quality of websites and their content
Things that determine how quickly you are likely to be indexed by Google:
· Popularity
Probably the most important thing is site popularity or how many quality visitors a site has. Having a large number of visitors to a site, especially return visitors who stay for more than a few minutes indicates to sight engines that a site is of high quality.
If you’ve done everything right and used the Google best practice guidelines, if your site is not ranking is because it’s just too new and hasn’t been found yet.
Ways for your site to become popular;
1. Being well connected through a serious of links from quality websites
2. Have your site designed to be easily crawled by search engines this can best be achieved by having a company like SEO on The Gold Coast to help you design it for you
3. Make sure your site is original and has not been hacked by a third party
4. New websites can take a while before they are linked to. You can speed this up by joining all the relevant high-quality online sites such as forums, blogs and discussions in and about your industry, and add valuable content to them, so they are inclined to ink back to you
5. Use your social media accounts linked back to your site to promote your site
6. Sharing with others is one of the best and fastest ways to get noticed, if you get noticed by people searching the net you will quickly be noticed by the search engines
This sounds simple, but in reality, it’s very time consuming and takes a lot of effort and technical knowledge to get it right. Most internet marketers and small business owners just do not have the time and knowledge to do it properly and if they do spend the time learning it often it changes so rapidly that they can’t keep up.
Using a SEO company on The Gold Coast is one of the most cost-effective ways to get your site noticed and to increase its chances of obtaining a high Google ranking.
Visitors are drawn to your site because of the value and quality content you offer and its ability to solve their problems. Your SEO Company on The old Coast will help you so the search engines will find, crawl and rank your site accordingly.
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