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5 Ways To Improve The Credibility Of Your Website

Website credibility is everything, there are many (possibly thousands) of great looking, user friendly websites that are competing directly with you. May are selling the same or similar products so you have to give the consumer a reason to come to you. That reason is trust and credibility. Get your totally original site created by Website Design on the Gold Coast.

The right website
Anyone can make a website in a few minutes using any number of free builders like WordPress. And that is what they look like done in a few minutes. Because of the huge amount of startup internet marketing companies that are here today and then just gone tomorrow many people are losing trust in all internet companies.

Simply because they have no credibility, how can you trust a site that does not protect your (or their) privacy?
Your visitors need to know that you are true to your word, you follow through, keep your promises and get things right.
You need to show visitors to your site that their personal information, including credit card details, are secure. If they have to think about if then you have failed

When someone views your website
When a visitor lands on your website they will access it in under a second and then it is almost impossible to change their first perception of your branding.

If they find themselves asking questions like
  • Is this a cheap owner made website?
  • Is this a real company or business?
  • Are you associated with any other reputable business?
  • How long have you been in business?
  • Where are your credentials and details?
  • Where are your customer reviews and feedback?
  • Is this site secure?
  • Are you as much an amateur as your website indicates?
If they have these questions, then you need to reevaluate your website and design
So what can you do!
  1. Have a well-known and respected web design company like Website Design on the Gold Coast, create a cost effective, user friendly website for you. This will ensure it looks professional and has the “WOW” factor
  2. Use trusted Seals and Certifications to give visitors confidence in your credibility and make sure your site is secure
  3. Associate yourself with other recognised authoritative organisations or high profile bloggers by joining discussions and groups. Give others reviews and comments and always answer any and all posts in a positive way. If someone has a grievance or complaint and you fix it properly, it carries a lot of weight
  4. Integrate social media into your website so it is truly interactive and makes it easy for customers to check you and what others say about you
  5. Offer free trials and bonuses and ask for comments, reviews and recommendations
Start a blog that is highly relevant to your business and branding and be sure to be active on other related blog sites. Always keep your comments and content positive and leave social issues for others

Your credibility on the internet is your password to business success. Without it, then you need to urgently change the situation. A bad web presence because of the huge amount of competition is economic suicide. Creating a positive web presence and credibility starts with a great website


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