Having an internet presence for your business usually means you are trying to promote yourself, your business and the products or service you want to sell which is all to do with promoting your branding, There are two ways this is successfully done, you promote your branding yourself or you get a trustworthy internet marketing company like Straight Up Digital to promote it for you.
Either way, you need to use SEO and have a good Google Ad campaign; the following ten tips will help to improve your ad performance
1. When first starting out with any AdWords campaign start with a low budget to test the market and the effectiveness of your keywords. If you do not monitor the whole system carefully, you can quickly lose your whole budget through automated bidding, irrelevant searches and broad match keywords.
2. It is easy to get started, but use Google’s free tools such as “AdWords Keyword Planner” to get your basic content right.
3. Brainstorm and make a list of relevant words about “What” it is and “How” you use it as well as where, then place these in keyword planner. You will get a large list of word and data telling you how many people are using those words and the numbers of people searching for them.
4. Eliminate the keywords that are irrelevant and those with lots of people using them and organise the words into relevant campaigns and groups so they are easier to trace and analyze.
5. Create specific ad text using keywords from each group of words that mention the topic of that group of words to improve your ad quality score enabling searchers to more easily connect their search phrases to your ad. Go and see your local experts at Straight Up Digital for some friendly advice or help.
6. Link your ads to specific landing pages that only cover the topics of the keywords. If someone searches for floral shirts, do not link them to striped shirts. The more relevant your landing pages are, the more likely for conversion. If your landing page is floral shirts for formal occasions and a searcher is looking for “floral shirts for weddings” they are likely to click on your site.
7. Use “Exact Match” targeting so your ads will only appear when a searcher looks for “floral shirts for weddings” if you use “Broad “or “Phrase” match then your ads will appear for every search that has one of your keywords.
8. Include location targeting to cater for people in your local area there is little point in having your ads appear in other places if you customers are here.
9. Always track everything with Google Analytics, you need as much data as possible to track and consolidate your ad campaign.
10. Regularly check the performance of each keyword and keyword phrase and watch for those that are getting traffic but not conversions, as these are costing you money for no gain.
Improving your Google ad campaigns is all about being careful to choose the right low use keywords, keyword phrases or long-tail keywords that are descriptive and specific to your product branding or services as well as being careful to monitor and trace their performance each day.
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