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Social Media Benefits That Every Small Business Needs To Know

Small business owners often work long hours and the last thing you want at the end of the day is to start playing with social media. But here’s the catch, you need it as much as you need those great products or stock to sell in your business to be well-known as if no one knows you exist, you won’t have a business. But being successful in social media marketing requires both strategy and creativity so talk with someone in social media on the Gold Coast.

It’s About Your Branding
Social media marketing is not about selling directly, but of course, sales are the end result of a successful marketing campaign.

It’s about creating a giving yourself and your brand or company a healthy web presence. There are a thousand people every day selling Ray-band Sunglasses on the internet, some are real some are cheap copies, without credibility most people will not take the risk to buy them only to find they were made in Vietnam.

But if you build up your web presence and show people your brand is dependable, trustworthy and gives not only outstanding value for money but also value for the time they spend on your site.

When you are offering interesting and useful information that people can use, information of real value that is easy and fun to get, You create a fast, reliable proactive site that relates to things that people who are likely to want your products or services can benefit from, then you have a recipe for success.

If you hit them with the hard sales line, it’s going to turn them off and they will go elsewhere.

Visiting your social media website should be like walking through an area of a well-appointed shopping mall that specializes in things of interest, part social, part interest and part value sales, but no hard selling just a pleasant value packed experience.

It seems that over 50% of small businesses are not using social media to promote their business which means they are missing out and you have the opportunity to gain.

With over a million people joining the internet each day the potential to put yourself right there in front of them is incredible if you do it properly.

Take your branding right to your customers

90 percent of most small business sales are local, you have to ask yourself how many of your sales are from passing traffic that just stumbled onto you? How many are visitors who like and trust you, are repeat customers who buy from you because they feel comfortable?

Almost all your customers and potential customers have a smartphone in their pocket and use it to locate areas to visit and items they want to buy. So when someone uses social media to find a product you sell, will they find you, if not, then change.

Social media will soon be the main way people shop and locate the things of interest. With most people now spending hours each day using social media it makes sense that they are checking things out, finding a great pair of shoes, looking for a special dress or a particular tool, be there or miss out.


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